Ruvanze kana chivanze (yard, ground cleared of grass around house or village) apa kureva nzvimbo yakavakirwa dzimba dzemusha.
- Dandare (court yard).
- Nharavanzi (playground around a homestead) apa kureva dandare rinotambwa nepwere rakapoteredza musha.
- Gwegwe kana magwegwe (Hide-and-seek) zvichireva chamuhwande muhwande kana chihwandehwande.
- Dandabvurwa kana madandabvurwa (large plot of ground).
- Dandanda (big open space e.g. ploughed field). Vamwe vangati dhandanda.
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Nhambetambe inoregwa ichanaka. Playing is best stopped while it is (still) interesting.
- Nhambetambe inoregwa ichapisa. Playing is best stopped while it is still exciting.
Mitauro yeBantu
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Digo inoti chiwanja (plot of land, field, open space in yard). Kinande inoti ekibanza, obutala (residential location; clear space near a house).
- Lenje inoti luansa (cleared ground at house, open cleared space, clearing, enclosure) kureva chivanze.
- Swahili inoti kiwanja (place; open place; plot of land, field). Sokuti kiwanja cha ndege - airport. Kiwanja cha kurusha rocket - launch.
- Mambwe inoti ciwansa (courtyard) kureva chivanze. VaKagulu inoti chiwanja (n. plot of ground).
- Kinyarwanda inoti intara (region, area) kureva dunhu. Venda inoti muta (n. family, courtyard) kureva mhuri kana chivanze.
- Bemba inoti lubansa (courtyard) kureva chivanze. VaBukusu inoti aanja (n. courtyard; open space at centre of village) kureva chivanze.
- Taita inoti kianzi (n. open space - generally at village enrtance).