Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuNyika Mhene)

Shoko rokuti (Open treeless space) mhene rinoreva nzvimbo yakatambanuka isina miti uye isina kuvakwa.

  • Chiwungwe (clump of trees on plain ; uninhabited place). Zvichida ndipo panobva zita rokuti Mawungwe kana Maungwe?
  • Ruvara (clearing; an open place)??
  • Ndakaona mbizi dzichifura dziri pamhene.
  • Ndakaona mhene pamhene.
  • Tsuro yakabuda mumakwenzi ndokuti pachena gangara: the hare left the bushes and appeared in the open.
  • Mazwi ari pedyo mheni? Fananidzai kuchena kwkunze pamhene uye pane mheni?

Mitauro yeAfrika

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Swahili vanoti kiwala (flat land, plain, savannah). Xilenge vanoti libala (open country). Umbundu vanoti epene (nakedness).
  • Mambwe vanoti ciwala (a glade, a bare region with few trees, a treeless patch in forest, usually sandy and covered with short grass).
  • VaMambwe vanoti ciwalawanza (a spot denuded of trees; a place cleaned out by bush fire; a field where the seed did not grow, a cleaned plot already cultivated or ready for cultivation).
  • VaGwere vanoti magoola (savannah, grassland; land where grass or grass-like vegetation is the dominant form of plant life with few trees) inzvimbo yakawanda huswa, miti iri mishoma.
  • Kikongo vanoti mpembe (an open, clear space; the open air, open doors) kureva pamhene. Tampulma vanoti nyaa bar (n. savannah area) kureva savhana.
  • Lubukusu inoti luu.eni (n. lightning - when in the sky). Swo inoti miene (n. Lights). Umbundu vanoti epene (nakedness).
  • VaGwere vanoti magoola (savannah, grassland; land where grass or grass-like vegetation is the dominant form of plant life with few trees) inzvimbo yakawanda huswa, miti iri mishoma.
  • MaZulu vanoti inkangala (Open country, treeless veld). Mamwe mazwi: ukukhuluma inkangala (to talk empty stuff).