Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Kukutwa (to be surrounded) zvichireva kukomberedzwa kana kuita gute.

  • Ndakaona baba vakakutwa navana vavo: I saw the father surrounded by his children.
  • Gute (Act of surrounding, encircling) apa kureva kukuta kana kukomberedzwa nevanhu. Vanhu vainge vakaita gute vachionekana naye: the people crowded round him to say farewell.
  • Guta (city, a large village - a collection of homesteads in old times).
  • Chita (confratenity, congregation, association, assembly) zvichireva boka revanhu, sokuti chita chevarimi.
  • Gutuza izita rinowanikwa muZimbabwe.
  • Kukutuza (1. Acquire more than is one's share by cheating, 2. Defraud).

Mitauro yeChiBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

Zvichida mazwi emitauro yeBantu aya anokwanisa kuturikira chinonzi polis, polity, policy, politics, politician kuEnglish.

  • Tunen vanoti ʊ̀≠kʊ̀t–àn-à (v. assemble; meet). Chewa vanoti kukutisa (trans. To enclose, to encircle, hem in).
  • VaMaconde vanoti chikuti (n. circle around the sun or moon) vachireva denderedzwa rakapoeterera zuva.
  • VaChewa neSwahili vanoti mkutano (a meeting, gathering, assemblage, crowd) kureva musangano.
  • VaDigo vanoti kuta (to meet someone) vachireva kusangana nemunhu. Mamwe mazwi: kukutana (to meet together, assemble, hold a meeting) kureva kukutana.