Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuChibarinye)

Izwi rokuti chizvarirwo riri kushandiswa pano kuedza kuturikira chinonzi nature kuEnglish.

Izwi rokuti nature rinodudzirwa kuEnglish richinzi - the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.

  • Matumbwa (tribe, clan, family name) zvichireva rudzi, dzinza kana mhuri.
  • Chibarinye (Nature of thing of person) zvichireva chizvarirwo.
  • Dumburira (nature as in the place and location).?? Uku kuyedza kuvaka mazwi. Fananidzai nekuchera michero mujerera.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Irikidzayi munhu ane mwoyo werudo, icho chizvarirwo chake. Irikidzayi is by nature a loving person.
  • Chizvarirwo chadzo mhumhi kuti dzinovhima dziri danga. It's the nature of wild dogs to hunt in a pack.
  • Baba vaRopafadzo vaiva chizvarwa chekuZambia. Ropafadzo's father was a native of Zambia.
  • VaWanga vanoti imero (n. nature; life; make-up; habits; customs; what s.o. is like - character & appearance). VaVenda vanoti Saintsi dza mupo (Natural Sciences).
  • MaZulu vanoti imvelo (n. 1. Nature, natural state. 2. Habit, natural custom). Mamwe mazwi: ngokwemvelo (naturally).
  • MaZulu vanoti imilo (n. nature). Mamwe mazwi: isimilo (Nature; characteristic). Mila (Germinate, sprout).
  • MaZulu vanoti Yisimilo sesikhova ukulala emini (It is the nature of the owl to sleep in the daytime).
  • VaMambwe vanoti vanoti kakwatilo (an innate quality - good or bad). Apa -kwata (to give birth to, to bring forth) zvinoreva kuzvara.