Svetuka kuchirochemo

Mutundu sezita

Kubva Wikipedia

Mutundu izita remhuri rinowanikwa kuKenya neDemocratic Republic of the Congo.

  • Vanhu vane zita iri: Aidah Mutundu; Gathura Mutundu; Ilunga Mutundu; Jean Mutundu.

Mitauro yeAfrika

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

Pano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mimwe mitauro yeAfrica, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya. Pane tarisiro yekuti mitauro yeAfrika inotodzana mazwi.

  • Herero vanoti omutundu (n. universal, total, whole; the people all together; generally; bulk, mass; whole contents; corpse, body).
  • Herero vanoti omutundu (n. universally; wholly, totally; all of them - tribes).
  • Nsenga vanoti mtundu (n. kind, sort, quality). Shona inoti katundu (luggage; buggage).
  • Luganda inoti ekitundu (n. part, piece, segment; portion; member of the body; district; paragraph; sect; section, denomination).
  • Luganda inoti ekitundu eky’ekkumi (n. tithe). Luganda inoti ekitundu ky’ensi (n. region).