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Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuKuungana)

Chinyorwa chino chiri kubatanidza mazwi anoreva kuunganidza:

Mitauro yeBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Yao vanoti kuunganya (to gather many things together) kureva kuunganidza. Swahili: ungulika be separable, divisible, detachable).
  • Baila vanoti ku bunga (to gather, to accumulate) kureva kuunga. Lugwere vanoti muwungi (n. accumulator).
  • Lenje vanoti wunga (gather, collect). Herero vanoti onga (cumulate, gather together and combine) kureva kuunganidza.
  • VaSwahili vanoti unganika (be combined or united). Mamwe mazwi: ungua (separate, take apart, detach, disconnect).
  • Swahili vanoti unganisha (join, glue together; combine). Mamwe mazwi: ungamana (be connected, cohesive, coherent, interdependent).
  • MaZulu vanoti bungana (1. Associate with, be in the company of; 2. Be friendly with, get on well together) kureva kushamwaridzana. Mamwe mazwi: bunga (gather together on to; flock around, swarm over).