Shoko rokuti kukunguruka (to roll) rinoreva kufamba kwechinhu chinotendera kana kuwumburuka chiri pasi kana pamwe pachingafamba nenzira iyi. Zvinhu zvinokunguruka nyore zvinenge zvine chiumbiko chedenderedzwa, mburungwa kana mukunguru.
- Kuburumbudza (roll or roll away) apa kureva kukungurutsa kana kukunguruka.
- Humburudzo (Object that rolls (spherical or cylindrical in shape). Umba humburudzo: make a ball (of clay).
- Kuburukuta kana kuvurukuta (to roll on the ground as mules do).
Kurerutsa Mutauro
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Vaushi vaimburumbudza buwe kubva pamuromo wechinyuka nokumwisa makwai: the shepherds would roll the stone from the well’s opening then water the sheep... (Genesis 29:3, Bhaibheri reChiNdau ).
Mitauro yeAfrika
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- VaTaabwa vanoti kubunguruka (v. tumble down, plummet). Humburi Senni inoti gùŋgùrèy (roll around).
- Zigula vanoti kubimbirisa (roll around/over; toss & turn around; roll over; roll around). Mamwe mazwi: kubimbirita (toss & turn around; tossing & turning).
- Dagbani vanoti bilim (1. roll (roll sth. on ground, roll sth. up); 2. to roll (self) along; 3. push a bike).]