Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Kuguka (be dislodged, fall out, come out - of teeth) zvinoreva kusvomhoka, kubvisika kana kugurika kubva panzvimbo.

  • Kuguka mazino.
  • Kuguka kwedemo pamupinyi.
  • Kugura ukama.
  • VaTonga vanoti kuka (be dislodged, fall out, come out - of teeth) kureva kuguka.
  • VaChewa vanoti gulula (To separate, as a substance from anything with which it is in union — hence to extract teeth) kureva kugura.
  • VaChewa vanoti gulula (disjoint, dislocate, disunite, remove bars of a gate).
  • VaUmbundu vanoti timbula (chop, break off - sadza, bread etc.) kureva kudimbura.