Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuSurudzo)

Chisurudzo (Strainer made from small pot with aperture in base) uyu mudziyo unoshandiswa kumimina mvura kuchisara madzikinyira.

  • Kukuna, kusurudza (to drain).
  • Yao inoti chisulusyo (a straining basket) kureva chisurudzo. VaYao inotikusuluka (to trickle down; to leak; to be strained as of salt brine) vachireva kusuruka.
  • Yao inoti kusuluka (to trickle down; to leak) kureva kusuruka. Kagulu inoti ku-sulula (v. leak) kureva kuduza.
  • Yao inoti kusuluka (to fade; to change colour, as print cloth on being washed; to be strained - of salt brine; to be tasteless ; to be insipid).
  • Yao inoti kusulusya (to strain; to boil and wash several times so as to remove all bitterness of taste) zvichireva kusurudza.
  • Nyakyusa inotisuluka (descend) kureva kudzika. Lugwere inoti kusulula (v. leak, drip, trickle out, flow out in droplets; of a liquid through a hole in a surface) kureva kusuruka.