Kubisa, kubvisa kana kudusa (to remove, to take away, take off) zvinoreva kusudurudza chinhu kana munhu kubva pachiri chichiendeswa kumwewo.
- Kudusa (Take, or bring, away; take out or off; remove) apa kureva kubvisa chinhu panzvimbo kana panhu. Izwi iri rinotaurwa zvakare kuChiNdau neKalanga.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- ...Noa wakadusa icho chaidumaidza ngarava, akaringira, wona, padera pemavhu paiya paoma: Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked; and, yes, the surface of the ground was dry. (Genesis 8:, Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
- Akaurima munda, akadusa mapuwe: My friend dug the ground, removed the stones (Isaiah 5:2, Bhaibheri reChiNdau)..