Svetuka kuchirochemo

Jinga reGomo

Kubva Wikipedia

Jinga reGomo zvinoreva nzvimbo iri muzasi uye pedyo negomo (Foot of hill). Mbira nengururu dzinogara mujinga remakomo.

  • VaWanga vanoti oluchinga kana olukuku (coast, shore, banks). VaKongo vanoti jingidila (surrounding animals in a hunt).
  • VaChewa vanoti kuchinga (to fence). VaChewa vanoti chinga (a fence, a temporary stockade).
  • MaZulu vanoti jinga (v. Be continually at, keep near to, stick close to, follow closely; importune, pester; frequent).
  • Zulu vanoti umjingandlu (1. Species of brown snake, fond of frequenting huts. 2. Boy who habitually stays at home. Lit. what frequents the house).
  • Kimbundu vanoti jinga kana jinge (always, ever; at all times; evermore). Mamwe mazwi: kujinga (strolls, surrounds, whirlpools).