
Kubva Wikipedia

Kushupa (Afflict, torment, harass, annoy, worry, trouble, persecute; grieve, bother)

Mitauro yeBantu[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

  • MaZulu vanoti hlupha (Afflict, torment, harass, annoy, worry, trouble, persecute; grieve, bother, irritate) vachireva kushupa.
  • MaZulu vanoti hlupheka (1. Get afflicted, worried, troubled, bothered, grieved. 2. Be in trouble, be unhappy; suffer.) kureva kushupika.
  • VaTsonga vanoti hlupha (Trouble, affliction, To trouble someone, to bother) kureva kushupa.
  • Lozi inoti shupa (to annoy, to worry, to embarrass, to weary, to bore, to bother).
  • Saghala vanoti kutirira (v. torment). Mamwe mazwi: utiriri (n. torment). Mtiriri (n. tormentor).