Nhumbi (goods, property, baggage) zvichireva chose chinhu chinonzi nemunhu ndechangu - apa tisingaverenge mhuka, minda, miti kana vanhu.
Mamwe Mazwi
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Chikenge
- Chiyavayo kana chiyevo (very fine article or piece of work).
- Gurukushwa kana makurukushwa (Second-hand article).
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Pereka chavamwe chisina vende. Return other people's property undamaged.
- Pereka chomumwe chichakanaka. Return that belonging to another in good condition
- Atora chake haabvunzwi. He who has taken away his property should not be questioned.
- Atora chake haateverwi. He who has taken away his property should not be followed.*
- Ane chake ndihombarume. The one who owns something is like a successful hunter.
- Ane chake haareveteki. The one who owns something does not talk.
- Dzanza kusakara rine mwene waro. A basket is getting old because of its owner.
Mitauro yeBantu
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Basotho vanoti phahlo kana liphahlo (clothing/luggage/goods) kureva mbatya.
- MaZulu vanoti impahla (goods, wares, possesions, effects, chattels) kureva mbatya. VaTsonga vanoti mpahla (n. goods, clothes).
- VaMambwe vanoti cikwato (anything somebody possesses). Kidawida vanoti mali (Property, possessions, riches).
- VaYao vanoti chisimba (one's person's private property which one does not sell). Mamwe mazwi: chisimba (the essence of anything that gives it its virtue; the active property in medicine).