Chivakamberi nyara

Kubva Wikipedia

Chinyorwa chino chinokumbanidza mazwi ane chivakamberi nyara.

  • Kudungura kana kukongonyara (Move by contracting and expanding).
  • Kufifinyara (1. Be overburdened. 2. Wrinkle, crumpled, creased).
  • hanganyarwa (1. Angry walking - with long strides, - kukanganyara; 2. Big, strong person who takes big strides).
  • Kuhwihwinyara (Glow) zvichireva kubwinya.
  • Kukakanyara (Become stiff as dried unstretched hide does).
  • Kukanganyara (1. Stiffen. 2. Get into a huff. 3. Walk vigorously - strong, healthy person or animal, 4. M Lie dead).
  • Kutandanyara (walk stiffly and proudly).
  • Kukokonyara (1. Crumple up, Shrivel. 2. Become stiff - as hide that has not been stretched to dry).
  • Kukongonyara (1. Alter shape (from straight to bent from bent to straight, 2. Walk as baboon does, 3. Move by contracting and expanding as caterpillar does, 4. Become stiff e.g. hide).
  • Kukungunyara (1. Die alone. Lie dead - kutindinyara, 2. Walk with affected gait).
  • Kumbambanyara (Walk stiffly because clothing is too tight).
  • Kukanganyara (Lie dead on back).
  • Kudatanyara (Show pride in way of walking or standing).