Chivakamberi deka
Chinyorwa chino chakaunganidza mazwi ane chivakamberi deka.
- Kunyongodeka (to dissolve completely in liquid, to melt).
- Kukobodeka (1. Walk, wearing shoes that are too big; 2. Become empty (not solid container).
- Kugovodeka (Get struck in the same spot many times).
- gwebedeka (Walk weakly).
- Kugwedzvedeka (Walk slowly and tiredly).
- Kugweregwedeka (Rattle - stones).
- Kukwebedeka (1. Become loose e.g. nut peg in sledge; 2. Walk tiredly).
- Kudzeredzedeka kana kudzeredzeka (stagger, reel).
- gedegedeka (Rattle teeth or loose pieces of metal)).
- gwedeka kana gweda gweda (Be loose, unstable. Wobble).
Mamwe Mazwi
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- govode (ideophone of Striking again and again on the same spot).
- Kugovodedza (Cause to strike on the same spot continually).
- gwebede gwebede (ideophone of Walking weakly (knees and ankles weak).
- gwedzve gwedzve (ideophone of Walking, moving, or working as though bones were made of rubber).
- gwedzvede gwedzvede (ideophone of Walking slowly and tiredly).
- gweregwede (ideophone of Making rattling noise (e g stone in non-metal container).
- kwebede (ideophone of Being loose e.g. peg in sledge).
- kwebede kwebede (ideophone of Walking tiredly.
- Kukwebededza (Cause to become loose e.g. peg in sledge).