Kukwanha, kusaira kusanzaura kana kusanhira (1. Prune tree, 2. Strip branches from filed sapling or tree).
Mamwe Mazwi
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Kugwanhudza (Make to tear off leaves, branches, flowers; 2. Z Make to prune).
- Kugwanhuka (Be, or be able to be, plucked, or torn off, or pruned).
- Kwanhura makwanha ekabichi: remove the big outer leaves of the cabbage.
Mitauro yeAfrika
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- VaKongo vanoti kwana (v.t. to jerk down or along). VaKongo vanoti kwanuka (v.i. to be jerked down or along).
- VaZigula vanoti kukwanyula (v. to break brances off a tree) - zvichida vanoreva kukwanhura.
- Kemedzung vanoti kwaŋ (v. 1. remove; 2. remove hoe from its handle; 3. snatch) kureva kukwanhura