Kugurunura (1. Take to pieces especially by unscrewing; 2. Disassemble; 3. Dismantle).
- gurunu (ideophone of Loosening e.g. nut; 2. of Taking to pieces, disassembling by unscrewing).
- Kugurunuka (1. Come loose e.g. nut, 2. Come out of proper place e.g. tooth). Vamwe vanoti kuguruka.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Gejo rangu rakagurunurwa nembavha: my plough was taken to pieces by thieves.
- Vanotaura Kikongo vanoti kutulula (to let loose, to free).
- Mang'anja vanoti ulendi (loose; without firmness or strength - as of limbs) kureva hushamwari.