Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuGombe (kugombedzera))

Kugombedzera (compel by force of arguement) kushandisa hungwari hwemashoko kana unhari hwekugona kutaura nechinangwa chokuti vanhu vaite zvaunoda kuti zviitwe.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Kugombedza (1. Intercept. 2. Struggle with another for possession of an object. 3. Weaken especially at knees).
  • Baba naamai havafaniri kugombedza mwana: mother and father should not vie with each other for the affection of their child. *Uya undigombedze mhuru ndichikama: come and keep the calf away while I am milking.
  • Heino nhabvu, uyai mugombedzane: here is a ball, try to take it from each other.
  • Gombedzanwa kana magombedzanwa (Plaything; sport; butt),
  • Kugomba (Feel need of. Fail to obtain) zvinoreva kushaya.
  • Munyori akaitwa gombedzanwa nasachigaro nasahomwe: the secretary became the sport of the chairman and urer.
  • Kugombedzeka (Hint. Complain mildly).
  • Murwendo akagomberwa mabvi nenzara: the traveller was weak at the knees from hunger.
  • Gombe, gombwe kana gongwa (influential person, very rich man).
  • Kugunun'una (to complain).
  • Sazita kana Sakuwana (Chief Person).
  • Mugomberi wemhuru unonwa mutuvi: the one who helps to keep the calf from the udder is given the whey.

Mitauro yeBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]