Chivakamberi nene
Chinyorwa chino chakaunganidza mazwi ane chivakamberi 'nene.
- mbenene mbenene (Harassment). Mukwereti haadi mbenene mbenene: a man who borrows money does not want to be continually harassed.
- Dumbuzenene (Young gurwe).
- Chitambuzenene (1. Protruding stomaeh. 2. Person with protruding stomach - nyabwata) kureva chitumbu.
- Mazembenene (Thick impenetrable growth (e g of grass) zvichireva bvokocho kana mhundwa.
- mudukwanene (adj. Very small).
- bandamuchenene kana mapandamuchenene (Shrub: Clerodendrum myricoidés).
- bembenene (Butterfly. Moth) kureva betepesu kana shaveshave.
- Chipembenene (Flying insect - general name).
- cheenene (ideo 1. of Realising - chehenu. 2. of Looking back - cheu; 3. of Being very startled).
- chidhenene kana chidenene (Gen name for a creature with short legs that walks on its belly e.g. lizard).