Chivakamberi bura
Chinyorwa chino chinounganidza mazwi ane chivakamberi chokuti bura:
- Kukwadabura (1. to remove slabs, 2. remove adhering object, 3. Open by forcing off covering e.g. lid) zvichireva kupatsanura mahwada.
- Kugwadabura (Remove heavy object covering something).
- Kuzvebura (to break off a tree branch by pulling down).
- Kushadabura (to open legs wide).
- Kugwedebura kana kugwedebudza (1. to move utensils or things around; 2. Open by forcing lid off).
- Kukwabura (1. Remove something that adheres firmly, 2. Remove sizeable object that adheres to where it is).
- Kukwabura (1. Flap stiff object, 2. Lift one end leaving other not lifted).
- Kugwabura (Removing something that adheres strongly - causing explosive sound).
- Kugwebura (Force one's way through, - in order to get at something inside).
- Kugwibura (1. Laugh heartily, 2. Break in two e.g. thick sugar-cane, 3. Break in two e.g. piece of metal).
- Kuhwibura (Lift suddenly as whip snare does).
- Hwiribura kana hwirubura (Eat rupiza greedily) zvichireva kudzu rupiza zvenhafu.
- Kujabura kana kujadabura (Cut with an axe e.g. pumpkin or meat, etc).
- Kukadabura (Remove by cutting. Cut out).
- Kukubura kana pfodora (Sleep deeply).
- kudubura kana pidigura (Uncover by removing lid, 2. Turn over).
- kwebura (Open by or with force).
Mamwe Mazwi
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Kugwadabudza (Cause to remove heavy object covering something).
- Kugwadabuka (Be, or be able to be, removed (heavy object covering something).
- gwibu (ideophone of Laughing heartily 2. of Breaking in two e.g. thick sugar cane; 3. of Breaking in two piece of metal).
- gwibudza (1. Make to laugh heartily. 2. Make someone to break piece of metal).
- gwibuka (1. Laugh heartily 2. Break in two e.g. thick sugar-cane). 3 Break in two e.g. piece of metal).
- hwibu (ideophone 1. of Cutting through with one stroke, 2. of Lifting suddenly as whip snare lifts what is caught in it).
- kadabu (ideophone 1. of Removing a part by biting or cutting. 2. of Digging vigorously).
- Kukadabudza (1. Remove a part by cutting. 2. Cause to cut out).
- Kukadabuka (Get cut out. Have a piece cut off).
- kubuka kana kukashuka (1. Be fast asleep. 2. Sleep without any covering).
Kurerutsa Mutauro
[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]- Kadabura duto regurwe tione mashe: cut open (with a hoe) the heap at the sand-cricket's hole, so that we may see the stored grass.
- Kadabudza ivhu nebadza: remove a sod with a hoe
- Nhindi yangu yakakadabuka: my piece of meat has had a piece cut off it.
- Mwana akubura hope nedzavamwe nhasi: the child has slept deeply and for a long time today.
- Kudubura ketero: take the lid off the kettle.
- Taswerokudubura mafendefa: we have spent the whole day levering up flagstones.