Bande reMuchero

Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuChirambo (Jerera))

Shoko rokuti Bande reMuchero rinoreva nzvimbo inowanikwa muchero kana mhuka pamwaka wacho wadzinowanikwapo. Vamwe vatauri vanoti chirambo kana jerera.

  • Nhanga (1. Forest with desired species; 2. Place usually frequented by individual or group for food gathering or hunting) apa kureva nzvimbo inozivikanwa kuti ine zvinowanikwa zvakadai semichero, hohwa kana mhuka.
  • Chirambo kana bande (place where particular plants or animals are usually found in season).

Kurerutsa Mutauro[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

  • Jerero rezheve harizi paruware.
  • Mhiri kworwizi hakuna cherero. Over the river there is no pasture.
  • Fananidzai nekuchera michero mujerera.

Mitauro yeBantu[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

  • Digo vanoti uphande kana phande (side, direction, piece, portion, direction, a certain part, region, district, part of a town or country).
  • Lubwisi vanoti lupande (n. direction; side) kureva divi rekunhu.