Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Kutakura kana kusenga (to carry).

  • Kusenga (to carry).
  • Kusengura (to move, to shift - from one place to another) zvinoreva kubvisa panhu nokuendesa pamwewo.
  • Kusenguka (to move, to be shifted).

Mitauro yeBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • VaGungu vanoti kusenga (lift up, pick up, take hold & carry) kureva kusenga. Mamwe mazwi: kusengesya (v. help s.b. lift up s.t.) kureva kusengedza.
  • VaGungu vanoti kusenguka (v. migrate, shift; move from one part of the country to another) vachireva kutama musha.
  • VaGwere vanoti kusengula ( v. 1. cause to migrate, shift, move or tranfer residence. 2. transfer, transplant, uproot; cause to move to another area) vachireva kutamisa musha.
  • VaChewa vanoti tenga (carry, bring).