- Binga (type of snake)
- Binga (District in Zimbabwe)
- Binga (1. Tree with dense foliage. 2. Kloof with water and tree ferns - a kloof is a ravine or gorge).
- Binga (Fault, cause for blame). Nhasi ndabinga nokudya natezvara: today I put myself in the wrong by eating with my father-in-law. Usawane nechaungabingiswe nacho: do not do anything for which you can be shown to be at fault.
- Binga kana mapinga pahuwandu (Chief's enclosure in own village). Mubinga (Chief or King's messenger) apa kureva nhume yamambo.
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Zanhi rinori ndere kutsauranisa chirevo, rino dorongotsa sipwi dzine matumidzo akafanana. Kana kochekedzo yorukati yakuunzai pano, ringai matumidzo akadorongotswa pamusoro apo kuti muwane ramunoda uye mukwanise kuenda kwariri. |